Rev. Uki's Mission

“My mission is to teach, heal and inspire others to heal themselves by connecting to the power of Spirit within.”

- Rev. Uki MacIsaac

Uki's Blog - Alive with Spirit

Rev. Uki shares her insights and inspiration on a variety of topics all meant to enrich your experience.
Tuesday, 06 December 2011 10:19

Spiritual remedies for the Holiday blues

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Spiritual remedies for the Holiday blues.

Feeling a little out of sync these days? Are you succumbing to the pressure of the season that is supposed to be merry and peaceful? Shopping at a mall or trying to meet all the external and internal demands of this time of year quickly tends to wrap us up in some sort of collective hypnosis. Festive Lights and omnipresent Musak, jingling bells and cash registers, Holiday parties, family gatherings and over-indulgence of foods and spirits – it all adds up to a merry-go-round that can leave us exhausted by the time the new year arrives.
Here are some proven preventions and remedies that help you stay grounded and in balance during intense times.

  • Check in with your body. What does your physical self require? More rest, less sugar, more time in nature, fewer activities, more exercise and yoga? Listen, and add some loving care of your body-mind.
  • Check in with your emotions. Feeling a little anxious or even depressed? Have changes in your family structure, like the loss of a loved one, impacted you? Are the uncertain economic and political perspectives affecting your personally? FEEL the feelings, allow for down time, bless the challenging family members, use humor to lighten the load!
  • Check in with your spirit. Bless the people that push your buttons, forgive where you can, help others, so you transcend the ego mind and feel the reward of unconditional love. Meditate just fifteen minutes per day and allow the mind to calm down. Celebrate the return of the light in meaningful ways. Connect with the true essence of the Masters and know: YOU ARE THE LIGHT!

Happy time of rebirth to you all, and happy Holidays!

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