Rev. Uki's Mission

“My mission is to teach, heal and inspire others to heal themselves by connecting to the power of Spirit within.”

- Rev. Uki MacIsaac

Uki's Blog - Alive with Spirit

Rev. Uki shares her insights and inspiration on a variety of topics all meant to enrich your experience.
Sunday, 09 May 2021 13:40

Mother's Day Reflections

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Celebrating our Mothers mothers day2

Today we celebrate the women who gave us birth, who changed our diapers, cleaned our snotty noses, stayed with us when we were sick, supported us through multiple crises, and loved us the best they could all their lives. Whether we are lucky enough to still have a mother or honor her as she dwells on Spirit side, we will never forget her.

Relationships with our parents can also leave lifelong imprints, even scars on our psyche. We all crave unconditional love, and a mother’s love is perhaps the closest we can come to that ideal. But there is no required training for parenthood, and mistakes are unavoidable;  being human means having character flaws. How do we feel about the values and beliefs our mother infused us with, early in life?

Sunday, 02 August 2020 13:40

Do You Believe in Angels?

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In this talk presented (virtually) at Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association on August 2, 2020, Rev. Uki explores how Angels are helping us and what we can do to clearly receive their guidance and support. She also briefly introduces some of her favorite Archangels and shares authentic stories of angelic presence.

Friday, 27 December 2019 16:41

Preparing for 2020

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The end of a calendar year is always an opportunity to go within and reflect on the events, decisions and experiences we encountered. It’s a chance to take inventory of our lives: where we have been, where we are at now, and where we envision ourselves in the near future. As we transition into a new decade, a whole new set of possibilities and challenges awaits us. As a lot of chaos seems to be manifest in the outer world, we are invited to focus ever more on our inner reality and the traits we wish to cultivate in order to meet the new decade with strength, resilience and vision.

I believe that as lightworkers we have to shine our light, no matter what. If we buy into doomsday projections, we feed disempowerment and fear, the very energies we try to counteract.

Monday, 09 December 2019 13:38

Your Stories

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Rev. Uki speaks about "Your Stories" in a talk at Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association on December 1, 2019. How to release the limiting stories that prevent you from accessing you full potential.

Friday, 11 October 2019 12:07

Role of the Ego revisited

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The human ego has been much-maligned throughout history. Christianity tells us that the seven deadly sins are based on the pursuit of selfish motives or ego. Buddhism reminds us that ego's attachments are the cause for our suffering. From the Course in Miracles we learn that the ego's projection of being separated from God causes us shame, guilt and pain. Contemporary writers such as Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle seek to enlighten us about the pitfalls of eco-centric ways of thinking and acting. None of us likes an egocentric or egomaniac person. But why do we have an ego? Is it really all bad? In Latin language the word ego simply means "I", myself. When we are born we do not yet have a sense of identity. We learn what is other than I through separation and distinction. This is a necessary stage of human development. Later in life, a well-balanced ego helps us to strive and achieve our goals and dreams. It is only when the ego is out of control that it becomes a problem. The ego is then like a fearful child that projects the worst, lives in the past or the future, criticizes and condemns and is rarely ever satisfied. Basically, it wants to protect us from harm, but often doesn't know how to go about it.

Sunday, 29 July 2018 11:11

Testimonial from Jeanette Alexander

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Rev. Ukis client Jeanette gives a video testimonial.
Saturday, 28 July 2018 11:11

Testimonial from Kristine Grant

Written by Uki MacIsaac
Rev. Uki's client Kristine gives a video testimonial.
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