Rev. Uki's Mission

“My mission is to teach, heal and inspire others to heal themselves by connecting to the power of Spirit within.”

- Rev. Uki MacIsaac

Uki's Blog - Alive with Spirit

Rev. Uki shares her insights and inspiration on a variety of topics all meant to enrich your experience.
Friday, 04 May 2012 13:40

Meditation made easy

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Meditation - it's not what you *think* - but it can be *easy*! Here is how.

Have you had the desire to add meditation to your busy life for its known benefits, but have felt intimidated by the countless methods and 'have-to' you encounter? So many people deeply desire to access the peace of mind and calmness that they know is awaiting them by means of a meditation practice. It's a little like a new year's resolution: we start with the best intentions, and then we discontinue, because life seems to be filled with more important demands on our time. Meditation seems almost like a luxury we can't afford to give ourselves. And besides, what method to choose among the countless ways that promise great results?

Here is an EASY way for you, I promise! In over 20 years of spiritual development, continuous learning and teaching others, I have found this method to be amazingly simple, yet quite effective. Of course, it will take some time (maybe around 15 minutes per day), and commitment: this technique will literally grow on you with regular practice, inviting you into the gap between the non-stop 'monkey mind' and the inner voice of silence. Eight simple steps to more peace of mind, improved health and spiritual connection!

So here it is:
 1. Choose a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.
 2. Sit comfortably with a straight spine. Cross-legged is good, but a comfy chair with a straight back will do.
 3. Set a timer for 10 minutes. With time, you may wish to increase that time span to 15 or 20 minutes.
 4. Close your eyes. Breathe. Observe your breath. Allow the chest to expand and contract with each breath.
 5. Take a deep breath in. On the out-breath, slowly release the air on the count of four. You may wish to mentally count to four, at your own pace.
 6. Focus on the space between your brows, often called the Third Eye. Let it be easy, no straining.
 7. Allow the thoughts to float away. If mental activity calls for your attention, simply release it. Bring your awareness back to the Third Eye.
 8. Use a simple repetitive phrase (mantra) to keep the mind from wandering. Example: on the breath in, say to yourself: "all is well now". On the out-breath, "thank you, Spirit". Notice that these short mantras easily follow the four-count breath rhythm.

That's it! Be patient with yourself. Notice the differences from day to day. Allow it to be easy!!



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