Rev. Uki's Mission

“My mission is to teach, heal and inspire others to heal themselves by connecting to the power of Spirit within.”

- Rev. Uki MacIsaac

Uki's Blog - Alive with Spirit

Rev. Uki shares her insights and inspiration on a variety of topics all meant to enrich your experience.
Thursday, 29 December 2011 01:11

Releasing the old - New Year’s Eve Cleansing Ceremony

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  1. Create some quiet time for yourself, away from crowds and partying. Start a fire for your burning bowl in an indoor fireplace or an outdoor barbecue/firepit. Get comfortable with your favorite warm beverage. Have some paper and a pen ready. Still your mind and ask for divine assistance in this process.
  2. Now, make a list of any of your own actions in this past year on which you hold feel bad about. In other words, list all the things that evoke a sense of shame or guilt.
  3. Offer that list to the fire and watch it burn. Release the judgments!
  4. Now make a list of all the qualities within that you really like about yourself. Resolve to pin this list over your mirror where you can see it every day. Grow the good!
  5. Release more negativity: list all the people or institutions you feel have wronged you. Add the why’s and how’s, if you like, but keep it short.
  6. Offer that list to the fire and watch it burn. Release the judgments!
  7. Ask the Angels to help you open up to compassion and forgiveness. You don’t need to like what happened, but it does not serve you to hold on. This may take some time.
  8. Observe your feelings and tune in to your body. Do you feel a little lighter? Honor even subtle changes.
  9. Wrap your arms around yourself with a warm hug of gratitude and appreciation. You have progressed on your path of letting go and thus made room for the new.

Welcome to a glorious 2012!

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