Rev. Uki's Mission

“My mission is to teach, heal and inspire others to heal themselves by connecting to the power of Spirit within.”

- Rev. Uki MacIsaac

Uki's Blog - Alive with Spirit

Rev. Uki shares her insights and inspiration on a variety of topics all meant to enrich your experience.
Friday, 27 December 2019 16:41

Preparing for 2020 Featured

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The end of a calendar year is always an opportunity to go within and reflect on the events, decisions and experiences we encountered. It’s a chance to take inventory of our lives: where we have been, where we are at now, and where we envision ourselves in the near future. As we transition into a new decade, a whole new set of possibilities and challenges awaits us. As a lot of chaos seems to be manifest in the outer world, we are invited to focus ever more on our inner reality and the traits we wish to cultivate in order to meet the new decade with strength, resilience and vision.

I believe that as lightworkers we have to shine our light, no matter what. If we buy into doomsday projections, we feed disempowerment and fear, the very energies we try to counteract.

But what does it mean to ‘shine your light’? To me, this translates first of all into healthy self-care. Without some physical strength, emotional balance, an awake mind and a strong connection to Great Spirit, it simply takes too much effort to stay grounded and in our truth. When we are whole, we are holy! That does not mean you have to be perfect before you can shine your light. Our innermost essence shows through the cracks of imperfections and mistakes. Oftentimes our wounds empowers us to be fine healers for others. Pain opens the heart to greater compassion.

Second, I believe that service is a key to happiness. Feeling connected to others through service work adds an expanded perspective to our own struggles and dilemmas. Community is as essential to fulfillment as healthy partnership can be. When we temporarily forget about self and focus on the well-being of others, our cup of contentment is refilled without our realizing it. Of course we cannot sacrifice our own needs to the wants and needs of others; otherwise the delicate balance in our lives is thrown off again.

All of this being said, what does that new year of 2020 hold in store for you? I cannot overemphasize the power of intention. A strong intention that is in alignment with ALL of you, not just wishful thinking, acts like a prayer to the Universe. Beyond the usual short-lived New Year’s goal setting, take the time over the holidays to connect with your innermost desires.

With the Winter Solstice we have greeted the return of the light at the time when the nights are longest and darkest. Nature tells us to go inside at this time of year and seek time of quiet and reflection. Instead many of us wear themselves out with the pressures of gift giving, family reunions and partying. Of course we want to make quality time for those activities as well, just not at the expense of our precious balance. I challenge you to put aside an hour each day to tune into your soul’s wisdom through meditation, journaling, dream work or creative art. Quiet walks or relaxed gardening as well as other slow-paced physical activities also work to feed the soul.

Next, evaluate the main areas of your life for the degree of fulfillment you find in each: perhaps work, love, relationships, finances, spiritual activities, fun, are some of the categories you wish to consider. Rate yourself honestly on where you stand and where you would like to be. Then create a vision for the desired state of being or goals you are committing to. Make sure this is not just a mental exercise, but that you truly feel your alignment on the emotional level as well. Listen to your body when you tune into these ‘future selves’ you are creating and note the energy flow that either supports your vision or counteracts it.

Goals are meaningless without concrete actions that take you to the desired target. Realistic and committed timelines help, and so does support from others. Select one or two friends that are willing to support your vision and are willing to hold you accountable for realizing it.

Of course, these are all principles known from the Master Mind body of knowledge. Whether you are familiar with those guidelines or not, you can use the basics in the way suggested. Vision boards and affirmations are other proven building blocks for manifesting your vision.

I believe that you are a powerful mighty soul, created by Source to live a full and meaningful life, empowered to be true to your soul’s purpose while enjoying the ride. So shine your light in 2020 in the way that is uniquely yours and that adds to the greater good in ways beyond your understanding. Trust that the Divine has your back and wants you to be the best, most radiantly alive aspect of Source. Happy 2020!

Read 2561 times Last modified on Saturday, 28 December 2019 17:33

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