Rev. Uki's Mission

“My mission is to teach, heal and inspire others to heal themselves by connecting to the power of Spirit within.”

- Rev. Uki MacIsaac

Uki's Calendar

Rev. Uki MacIsaac is an intuitive, offering psychic readings and spiritual counseling.

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Love never dies!

A presentation by Janice Hope, the Angel Lady 

Have you ever lost someone you loved and wondered what they would tell you if you could hear them?

Spend an afternoon with Janice Hope, the Angel Lady, and learn how to tune into your own Inner Guidance. From a peaceful and heart-centered place, you can receive insights from Ascended Masters, Angels, Guides, and loved ones on the other side.

For Janice, it is clear that Love Never Dies. She will share many examples throughout her life, from the time she was a child to working with hundreds of people. Her most powerful, and painful, story followed the shocking and agonizing news that her son Kevin took his own life. While she frequently received clairaudient messages from the other side, she never thought that she would start receiving some from her own Kevin in Heaven.

In this evening, she will share with us her journey, key messages, and clear evidence that Love lives on. You will also learn about techniques to find clarity and confidence to make heart-aligned choices, including the Infinity Love Process.

Sunday October 6, 3:00 pm - 5:00pm

at Circle of Life Spiritual Development

Carlsbad CA 92009
(exact location will be shared upon your paid reservation)



More about Janice Hope 

Janice Hope, the Angel Lady, is an author, teacher, motivational speaker, and Intuitive Healing Facilitator. She has been helping clients with their wellbeing for the last 40 years using various modalities, including Breath Work, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Past-Life Regression, and the Infinity Love Process. Angels and Guides help her identify core issues or blockages preventing the expression of joy and well-being.

Eight years ago, Janice faced one of the most painful events that a parent could experience; the shocking and agonizing news that her son Kevin took his own life. She could not believe that her baby was suddenly gone and could not wrap her mind and heart around the thought that it was his own choice. Janice went deep inside and asked God and the Angels for guidance. While she had frequently received clairaudient messages from the other side, she never thought that she would start receiving answers from her own Kevin in Heaven. Thankfully, she documented her spiritual journey, events, and discussions she had with Kevin. It was published in the international top selling book, Love Never Dies: Spiritual Insights about Suicide, Life and Love from Kevin in Heaven. Janice is dedicated to supporting others going through the pain of loss and helping them return to the Love they truly are. As a Certified Grief Educator, she has co-facilitated several group workshops to help people find a place where healing can reside. She truly believes it is possible to heal from the loss of loved ones, clear the pain from past relationships, remove what is blocking joy, realize the connection to the Love waiting to assist, develop deeper Intuition and increase awareness to Inner Guidance. Through her book, workshops and private sessions, Janice hopes to facilitate this healing for as many people needing it.

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Video Intro to Rev Uki's psychic readings and spiritual counseling in Carlsbad, San Diego, CA


Uki writes - Women Of Spirit share Rituals Divine

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